
Gift For My Dad

Today is my Dad's birthday, so we bought him a nice gift - 2 tickets to Smokie & Simphony Orchestra concert. I think the gift will be given to him later this day, because we will be celebrating it and that would be nice if everyone saw it. I remember that Dad and Mom once went to a Smokie concert and they really enjoyed it. It happened that we were able to buy him tickets this year again! Yay! :)

Here's how I wrapped the present using only 1 sheet of A4 scrapbook paper, some ribbon, tape and 2 chocolates. :)
Actually, this idea belongs to my sister, but I did the wrapping. :)
 First, grab your chocolate bar-sized gift (tickets in this case) and two chocolate bars. My sister had bought some Schogetten chocolate, that's lovely. :) I'm sure you can buy even bigger/smaller chocolate.
 Flip one choc box facing down and put tickets on it.
 Then I sandwiched tickets between both chocs by placing other box onto tickets, box facing upwards. You can tape these packages together for easy wrapping.
Then wrap however you like. I used some scrapbook paper, ribbon and lots of tape.

I think that Dad will be quite surprised at first, seeing chocolates as a gift and then he will notice the real gift. Just now I got called by our phone company Bite and they sang Happy B-day song and everything to me. They call to every number that is under our Dad's name.

Have a nice day! :)

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