

My blog is 2 years old for about two weeks now! I read my first post, which was posted on 30th March, 2012 and I thought "ooh, only 4 days and I'll celebrate my blog's b-day!", but nooooo, it said that my blog was created 2 weeks before I made my first post, so there you have it - my blog is already, officially, 2 years old!
Time flies! :D
I remember how it was my biggest secret and how I tried to customise it, so it looks nice (still try :D), and now i'm there - with only a few followers, but a lot of views, which is a very nice feeling. :)
I might not be posting as much now as I was when I started, my posts might no longer be as random as they were (I mean, the neccessity of Nando's in my area or the fact that it rains a lot? :D ), but i'm still there, you're still there and i'm sure that more people will also come in the future!

Let's party! :O

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